As per title, for some reason only this site does NOT stay logged in when I close/open Brave. This issue has been ongoing for the last year.
In Chrome, you can close the browser, reboot the computer and re open the browser, it remembers the login details until the cookie or session is cleared.
Using latest version of Brave, and have even disabled Shield for this site to no avail.
Any tips would greatly be appreciated.
All other sites work as expected, i.e: Close Brave and still logged in upon restart/re-open.
I have some unifi equipment, on a clean Brave profile, I logged in and re-started Brave and re-opened without issue here.
Unless a setting is clearing cookies
brave://settings/content/siteDetails?site=https%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.1 or your case: brave://settings/content/siteDetails?site=https%3A%2F%2F192.168.50.2
Maybe re-check these cookies are still there after a restart, before logging in. Would also test in Brave Beta/Nightly, in a clean profile. Does it occur there?
Hmm… after logging in it shows 3 cookies, after re-starting it doesn’t show there are any cookies saved. The weird thing this site hasn’t got any settings to indicate it should not save the cookies upon exiting ?
I also just tried on Android and the same thing is happening…
Also the only other site this is happening to is “”
Same issue - I have to log into my work Microsoft account every time Brave opens. Very annoying! Somehow, works perfectly fine on Chrome.