Brave, new version, new color!


Just upgraded Brave to vers. 1.19.86 Chromium: 88.0.4324.96. Do you guys have changed the dark-color? For a moment I thought I had opened Opera! :smiley:

Is there any way to turn back the old dark-color (something like #393939)?



I also came here to remark about the “dark” theme… looks like the color was changed around the bookmark/address bar area and the previous color was perfect and I would like a revert. It’s harder to read when you type in the address bar now.


I, personally, like this new dark theme, with a bit of blue in it :))
And the fact that there were added new pictures for new tab is awesome :heart:

You can change the color theme in the settings. I found out because my color scheme was still light grey and I wanted to see if could find the dark theme for use on my system.

Yes. Agree with you! A bit of blue would be acceptable. Or this color code #2b343d. :slight_smile:

I’m not a bit fan =/ is there a way to go back to the regular dark theme ? why forcing a new one instead of just adding it to the dropdown as “dark blue” or something like that ?

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Also the Incognito theme wish I had the old one! Don’t like this blue version! :frowning:

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The colors are terrible. The light version is impossible to read, terrible accessibility performance this way. I actually reverte back to Chrome because I can’t read these tabs. Also all default themes from the store are imported really ugly compared to how they should be

I dont like this new dark blue color, the old dark was perfect! Now I need to select GTK

Just updated to latest Mac version. I do NOT like the new logo - the white background makes it look like an iOS app, not a desktop app. Loose the white background and go back to the prior look - just the lion head.

Please we want to return to the no color folder in bookmarks in dark theme, the yellows folder are good for light theme only.

Please we want to return to the no color folder bookmarks in dark theme, the yellows folder are good for light theme only.

Thanks a lot

Heiter Gordon

A lot of people have asked for yellow color folders! Personally I use dark theme, so I vote for the no-color folders. :slight_smile: