Brave logs me out of websites too frequently

I’m wondering if there are any settings or flags I might be overlooking that cause Brave to log me out of websites every few days? For example, I have to sign back into LinkedIn after every session; I never stay logged in. It also happens with my bank, where I sometimes have to re-verify my device, even though it’s not new. I’ve noticed this on various other websites too, where it seems like cookies are being deleted more often than they should be.

I know Brave automatically deletes cookies set via JavaScript at the end of each session, but I suspect this shouldn’t be happening on so many websites. Strangely enough, I don’t have this issue with Google, where I rarely have to sign back in. I can’t imagine Brave would make any special exceptions for Google, though. Also, I’ve double-checked that the setting “Forget me when I close the site” under privacy settings is not enabled.

Has anyone experienced similar issues or found a solution to this problem?

@unix out of curiosity, have you tried disabling Shields on any of these sites, at least to test if things work better? My experience in the past has been that some sites heavily rely on fingerprinting. Brave randomizes a lot of details and can make you appear as if on a different device when you visit again. These differences can trigger their system to think it’s someone else and invalidates the cookies, making you login again.

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Good thought! Unfortunately it doesn’t help with LinkedIn :frowning:

@unix Just to confirm, are you saying this happens when you close the browser or what steps are needed to get logged out? Also, are you logging in using an email/phone and password, or are you using Google/Apple login? I’m planning to test this on my devices soon, and I want to replicate your steps as closely as possible.

In the meantime, could you try creating a new browser profile and see if the same issue occurs there? The idea is to create a test profile without any extensions or changes to the settings, just to see if the problem persists.

If the issue continues in the test profile, I’d also recommend testing it in Brave Beta or Nightly. This helps us determine if it’s specific to your profile or the version of Brave you’re using.

Perhaps testing on other profile and release channels may not be necessary, but it would be good info to know just in case we can’t replicate when testing.

  1. I log in to LinkedIn with an e-mail and password
  2. After I am logged in I open the start page (same tab)
  3. As soon as I open LinkedIn again (same tab), I am back at the login page

The same for you?

Brave Shield off / no Exit Delete etc. active (but I haven’t exited either)

Edit: Ouuuups…

Okay, I just realized that I made a mistake on LinkedIn. I had the URL to the login in the bookmark. Normally you are redirected to the homepage when you are logged in on websites like these. On LinkedIn, however, the login field simply appears again.

It only occurs sporadically on other websites. This could really be due to fingerprinting.

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@unix appreciate. I just had tested with LinkedIn and it kept me logged in, regardless of whether I exited Brave, navigated to other sites, etc. And even if I logged out, it would just have me click on a user and it automatically logged me in without asking for a password or anything, as can see in the screenshot below:

So if your experiences differ, would go through testing on other profiles and all. Or even having to take a deeper look at Shields, VPN (if using one), etc.

Guess do advise if any other issues.

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