Description of the issue:
I have created a plugin on spigot, the popular minecraft plugin website and server core.
I visit my plugin page often, that’s why I know it crashes only since today.
I tried visiting other plugin pages, to see if it comes from the website itself or from brave.
I think the issue comes somewhere from caching/datastore, because other plugin pages are working correctly.
What appens is: just after the complete loading of the page, brave crashes.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Personnaly, I just go to the page and crash. But if my bet is good and that it comes from user datas, it may not crash on other people’s phone.
Expected result:
Well… stay on page after load
Brave Version( check About Brave
Mobile Device details
LineageOS, android 13, xiaomi mi 11i (haydn), 8go ram, 256go, snapdragon 888
Additional Information:
I tried to delete spigot cookies by clicking on the locker, it didn’t solve the issue.
I tried cleaning my cache datas as well.
I WILL NOT erase my brave datas/my phone of uninstall/reinstall brave just for testing purpose, sorry
I just want to warn that the issue exist
I cannot open the crashes page because dev_ui is not installed. I installed brave with Aurora store, and some people thinks it comes from here. My problem could also be related to this, who knows…