hello gentlemen
i like your services and your browser but i would like a request.
can you make another version of the browser. just the same but without the ability to save history or any data. once it is closed all data are gone.
just like incognito mode. but separated from the original browser. you can call the browser by the same name then add the word “incognito”.
since incognito mode and the original mode use the same browser with the same assets that mean it can be exploited.
therefore as your customer i will feel safer if you make two browsers one original and one incognito. since that will only require copying and changing setting of the original browser i don’t think that will be hard and it will make your customers safer.
brave browser
brave incognito browser
thanks for reading.
to be more clear about my request i am thinking about two different browsers with the same program like this:
you setup the program and it will make two browsers both have the same programming code but different settings.
one for normal searching and one for incognito searching. separated but part from the same program.
if the problem was solved or the feedback reached the mod team then i wish my account on brave to be deleted.
not sure if that will be acceptable by you or not but you can achive the same by going to brave://settings/clearBrowserData then on the on exit tab check everything
well i wanted two browsers.
i assumed it will be easier to make such one considering you will just copy the browser and change the settings
one for normal searching.
one for incognito searching.
instead of just using other browsers. i could use brave only. overall i hope the developers will see this feedback.
you can create 2 profile go to menu then create a new profile then change make one with the settings i mentioned and the other to be the normal one
if that what you want then sorry for miss understanding you
not sure if that will be acceptable by you or not but you can achive the same by going to brave://settings/clearBrowserData then on the on exit tab check everything
FWIW, this is exactly what I do.
It is still possible to open an incognito session and keep it separate from the main one.
Added: There’s definitely interest out there in something along these lines:
but i meant two browsers with the same program code but different settings (one normal and one incognito)
not two profiles because profiles use the same browser then my browser still can be exploited.
think of it like this:
chrome browser
epic browser
but chrome is for normal browsing and epic is for incognito browsing.
now the same with brave browser. two browsers with the same program but different settings. one for normal browsing (save data) and one for incognito browsing (no data / no history).
brave browser
brave incognito browser
i prefer brave browser and i want to use it only but i worry about exploits therefore i hoped you will take this feedback and make two browsers like this.
i ain’t sure if i understand you but different profiles isn’t what i think about.
i am thinking about two different browsers with the same program like this:
brave program
brave browser
brave incognito browser
you setup the program and it make two browsers both have the same programming code but different settings.
one for normal searching and one for incognito searching