Brave icon not appearing on Windows 11 Taskbar corner

Running latest version of Brave (Version 1.38.111 Chromium: 101.0.4951.54 (Official Build) (64-bit))on fully updated Windows 11 Desktop.

The Brave icon used to appear in the Windows 11 taskbar corner and it stopped doing this recently.

I noticed that Chrome browser (latest version) does show this icon in the taskbar corner.

I have also noticed that Brave icon no longer appears under Window 11 Settings >> Personalisation >> Taskbar >> Taskbar corner overflow.

I have rest Brave Browser | rebooted machine etc… but this has made no difference.

Any suggestions how I might fix this would be appreciated.

Also, if it happens to be a known issue then please let me know as well.



Yo Robert!
The windows taskbar must be in the bottom center of ur screen …
Press windows key and seaarch for brave…righr click and click on (pin to taskbar)…
This shld solve ur issue…
If the problem is not solved…let me know…or raise a request…
Thank you,
Sky Gazer

Hi @Sky_Gazer

Thanks for responding - but not quite.

  1. I can easily pin Brave icon to Taskbar (green tick)
  2. But the Brave icon has disappeared from the Taskbar corner (red cross)

Any other suggestions?


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To seen Brave in notification area, open brave://settings/system and enable Continue running background apps when Brave is closed.

Thanks @CerealLover,

Thats the issue… this is already set in Brave settings:

I wonder if this is a Brave bug?



@rschilt I forgot to tell you something very important… the same problem is happening to me too! BUT, I noticed that when I activate an extension called REVERSO used for translation… guess what happened? The Brave icon appears in the system tray, in bottom right!
We need someone to check this for us @Chocoholic @Mattches. Is it a bug or not? Windows 11, latest Brave.

Thanks @CerealLover,

Your a champion! I’m always relieved when I have an issue and someone else reports the same.

I rather like the Brave icon in the notification area (or Taskbar Corner as Microsoft now calls it) - so have temporarily enabled Reverso for this purpose.

Cheers mate,


No clue. I am just a community member trying to help where I can (and often where I can’t, but I try :wink:). But that was nice of you to think I might could help… :smiley:

@mattches is definitely the person who can say if this is a bug or if it is working as intended. I looked in Brave GitHub and could not find an issue report.

@rschilt love the images posted! Especially the one in your #3 post. Love me some visuals and so on point! :joy:

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We want to check the following, preferably in Windows 11: does the Brave icon appears in bottom right of taskbar when when BRAVE is set to run in the background when we open

brave://settings/system and enable Continue running background apps when Brave is closed ?

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For me only if the Reverso plugin is enabled otherwise not (see earlier comments in this topic).

This is using Win11.

I think this is the intended behavior — icons appearing in this area (as I understand it) are active in some way, and not all extensions run/need to run in the background. Even if you have Brave set to Continue running background apps when Brave is closed, there may not actually be anything running which would explain why it appears when you enable certain extensions.

I have reached out to confirm that this is in fact the behavior.


Thanks @Mattches ,

Sorry that behaviour by Brave would not make sense - for the following reasons:

  1. Up until recently the Brave icon was always present in the system tray after it was started. Why would this behaviour all of a sudden change?

  2. Also does not make sense that one add-on would trigger the placement of the icon in the system tray but not another.

I certainly hope that someone can shed some light on this.

Thanks for the followup.

I’ve reached out to the team about this — my thinking personally on

Also does not make sense that one add-on would trigger the placement of the icon in the system tray but not another.

would be that not all extensions run in the background. Hope to have more information for you soon.


Have thought about this and its now making sense:

Recently, Google upgraded their Chat / Hangouts feature to Meet (interestingly around the same time that the Brave icon disappeared from the system tray. Hangouts used a browser extension and this add-on used to run in the background. The new Meet is embedded in Gmail and no longer requires a separate add-on.

I now realise that “not seeing the Brave icon” in the system tray is normal behaviour when not running a “background” add-on.

Appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me.

Thanks mate.


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