Win11 Taskbar remains hidden while using Brave

I have 2 monitors. Using Brave on main monitor makes my Win11 Taskbar disappear (I am not using F11 full screen mode). However - on my second monitor this issue doesn’t happen. Also - if I press any icon on Taskbar in my Monitor2 - Taskbar appears on my main monitor as well. But if I press on brave window again - it goes away. I tried googling and it seems that people had this issue for a while now (not only for Win11) but I failed to find any solution for it.

Can you confirm that this issue is specific to Brave? To me, it seems more closely related to an issue with the system rather than the browser.

On your Win 11 system, can you go to Display settings and ensure that the monitor that you want to be your main display is selected? The main monitor should be the one that displays the task bar at all times.

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