Is Brave available on any Linux forks?
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You can install Brave on Linux using instructions found here:
Brave is now available in Manjaro. Just sudo pacman -S brave will install it on your system.
Unfortunately yes, currently that is the case for Arch distro.
We will hopefully have ample time to clear outstanding tasks like this after some of our bigger, more involved features are pushed out.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Is this not it?
Note that Brave only maintains the packages we distribute. Though they may well work and be fine, we can’t vouch for packages from other sources.
Gotcha! I didn’t read far enough into it.
Thankfully there are options available. I have yay installed. Maybe pamac or octopi?
Is the version in the Manjaro repository official? I’m not on that machine right now. I was assuming it is official, based on this ( I didn’t think to check the release notes.
cc @drose2211 @hello for help assisting your fellow Majnaro folks
The version in the Manjaro repos is official. I will note that the browser is having some UI issues in the shields menu. This seems to be specific to Manjaro, but this issue has already been reported. As far as AUR packages being modified I would say it is always best practice to inspect the PKGBUILD before installing. Yay gives you this option before the package is downloaded to your system. Thats not the case with Yaourt.
EDIT: I also just noticed that the package from the official repos is one version behind the brave-bin package in the AUR. I’m sure the official one will be updated soon, but its worth taking note of.
We should probably publish official Arch packages too, but we’re not there yet.
There seems to be a great fan base for the Arch based distros - Its the second most likes I’ve seen after the Tor-Session-Tabs feature.
One other things @Mattches regarding users’ requests. As more and more [solutions] are made in Brave/Discourse, don’t you think it’s good idea to have users be notified of features/solutions in Discourse community as well especially considering many may not have a Github account to be notified of the issue/s.
Perhaps there could also be a ‘Solutions’ on the side of ‘Latest - New - Top’, on the top of the community page where users are notified if they’ve bookmarked or commented on the topic.
Done! Check the nav menu
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