Brave Crashes constantly

I tried both copy-pasting as well as typing that command in Terminal. Here’s what I got…
(personal details blurred)

Not sure why I get this but, you can see I do have Brave installed.

Thanks @Mattches Is there a similar method for Win10 64bit folk?

On Windows, instead of using the terminal, go to the Brave desktop shortcut on your machine, Right-click --> Properties, edit the Target field and append --disable-gpu (or) --disable-brave-sync at the end of the target path, after the quotations.

@Adventureland, digging further into the issue, will respond when I have more information. Thanks for your patience.

@Mattches Much appreciated. Brave works with --disable-gpu. With --disable-brave-sync it did not.

Note that, once you’ve launched Brave, you can go to Settings --> Additional --> System --> Hardware Acceleration and turn the feature off here, manually, so you can remove the flag from the Target path (if you’d like).

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Thanks Mattches.

FYI: I tried a fresh install of Brave only this time I didn’t drop my saved ‘Brave-Browser’ & ‘Default’ folders into the Brave Software folder (in ~Library- Application support folder) as before. Just to isolate and see if the problem was in my saved folders.

Same crashing result even with the fresh Brave install.

Thanks for your help.

I know you just went through this but can you try downloading our Beta build and see if you get the same results?

Rebooting fixed the issue for me.

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Hey, there. In my system, Brave only opens using open -a "Brave", not with open -a "". The dash and lower case screw it up. YMMV.

If you or anyone else is leery of the Terminal way, I uploaded AppleScript Apps that do the commands (which you could just stick in Script Editor if you’re more compfortable).
Brave No GPU uses:

  do shell script "open -a '/Applications/Brave' --args --disable-gpu"

  tell application "Brave Browser" to activate

Brave No Sync uses:

do shell script "open -a '/Applications/Brave' --args --disable-brave-sync"

tell application "Brave Browser" to activate

Note that if you have Beta, Nightly, or Dev, you have to change each instance of '/Applications/Brave' to the respective one of these:

'/Applications/Brave Browser'
'/Applications/Brave Browser'
'/Applications/Brave Browser'

though AppleScript might fix it automatically. It’s probably more trouble than just going into Terminal, but there they are.

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Done. Beta build opens and stays open with no problem so far.

I see in ~Library> Application Support> BraveSoftware folders the
‘Brave-Browser’ & ‘Default’ folders have now been replaced with a single ‘Brave-Browser-Beta’ folder.

Is there a way to place my saved copies of ‘Brave-Browser’ & ‘Default’ folders into the ‘Brave-Browser-Beta’ folder like I did previously in Brave (not Beta) so I reinstall and least download a copy of my current bookmarks as a backup?

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@Mattches Switched off hardware acceleration. All good. Thanks


You should be able to paste/replace the Default folder in the Brave-browser-beta directory and be able to “pull in” your data.


That worked and still no crashing in Brave beta.
Now able to turn Hardware Acceleration off.
Pleased that I can download my semi-current bookmarks now too, just in case.

Will you let us know when the glitch is worked out with Brave (not Brave Beta)…

Thanks for your ongoing support.

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@Mattches Still crashing for me, both browser and the beta, even when I turn off HWA and Sync.
At this point I just want to save my bookmarks. Is there a way to do that? Or can I drag them from whatever existing folder they are in to the desktop, then do a complete uninstall?
Thanks in advance, you’ve been very helpful.

Hi, there, @Callipygian. I posted some instructions on a way to do this in a related thread here:


I have updated Brave yesterday or so - still the error is the same. Tried starting over Terminal - not working.

macOS 10.14.6, latest Brave.

What can I do?

I desperately need this Browser, as compared to all others it is so much better!

I’ve been getting startup crashes for over a month… i’ve identified the problem as the On Startup setting…

If i change this setting to either Open the New Tab page or Open a specific page or set of pages Brave crashes immediately on startup.

If i reset Brave and modify any other setting, it’s fine.

This occurs in Brave (1.3.115) and Brave Beta (1.4.80) on MacOS Mojave.


Very interesting – thank you for reporting this. Does this happen whether or not you have any specific pages set for the Open a specific page or set of pages option selected?

Can you try changing this setting as @barfburglar suggests and see if this makes any difference?

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@macman, if you think your On Startup setting is set to “Continue where you left off” and Brave won’t stay open long enough to change it, try opening Brave from a Terminal window using
open -a '/Applications/Brave' --args --new-window
or if that doesn’t work
open -a '/Applications/Brave' --args
then go to Settings and change it.

1.3.115 came out three days ago, so you probably already have it, but if command line doesn’t work you might try downloading it again and copying it to your Applications directory, too.


thank you. I will try this.