Brave crash when opening certain websites

Description of the issue:
Brave unexpectantly closes whenever going to certain websites such as google search(not gmail or đuckduckgo), facebook(not X), reddit, tiktok.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. open brave
  2. go to google search, facebook, reddit, tiktok.

Expected result:
browser crash with no popup

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.69.153 Chromium: 128.0.6613.85 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:
I’m on windows 10 22H2

I’ve tried many ways to fix this (clearing cache, reinstalling, uninstall all extension)

My crash report ID:

Do a favor and make sure to try each of the following as independent steps and see if the issue occurs there or is resolved in that particular step, reverting back to your initial settings after if it doesn’t work.

  1. Open in private window

  2. Create a new browser profile

  3. Test on Brave Beta and/or Brave Nightly

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Open the websites with private window still crash. Creating new browser profile seems to be the solution. Open the websites in private window after creating new browser don’t crash anymore.

@OtaganeN, opening in a private window was meant to test if the issue was related to cookies, cache, or extensions. Private windows start a new session without cookies and with all extensions disabled. Although you mentioned clearing the cache and uninstalling extensions, it’s sometimes worth testing in a private window to rule out any possibilities.

Creating a new browser profile primarily helps determine if there’s an issue with the browser settings. It can also indicate if an extension is causing the problem. While it’s possible that something in your profile got corrupted, it’s more likely that a setting was changed, causing a conflict. The idea is to compare the settings in your new profile with those in your original profile. By identifying any differences, you can toggle settings in the original profile to see if one of them is contributing to the issue. Just a note, any custom filters in Shields or changes made in brave://flags will persist across profiles, so the issue wouldn’t be related to those.

I noticed you asked about syncing between profiles in your deleted message. I assume you found the answer, but I want to clarify that if you add both profiles to the same sync chain and sync everything, there’s a risk that the problematic settings or data causing the crash could sync to the new profile as well.

I added them in the same sync chain and haven’t seen any problem yet. I checked the settings and saw that they are quite similar at first glance. Still have no idea what is causing the issue.

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