Brave Becomes Blurry for some reason on all text and tabs

Brave Becomes Blurry for some reason on all text and tabs. I have seen similar assurances on the brave community but nothing that helped me.

Brave resolution issues in Windows 10. Blurry application constantly - #27 by rmobo - This one to be more specific. I have a very similar occurrence. It is just unbearable to handle and is so annoying.

Please help!

Hello @SImBloxers, thank you for bringing this to our attention. Have you tried the steps mentioned in that topic? In case it does not work, try going to brave://flags > Search 'Vulkan' > Disable Vulkan > Retest Let us know if that helps. Regards.

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Thank you so much! I believe the Vulkan thing worked! Everything seems to be not blurry. I want to give it a few more minutes though, if I have anymore problems about the blurriness I will let you know. Thank you for the help!

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You’re welcome! My Pleasure! Just in case the issue persists do not hesitate and reach us out again. Best Regards.

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