Brave auto-contribute stuck at Prepare step

Can you DM me with your

  • Copy/pasted your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals)
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version)
  • A screenshot of your Rewards panel in Settings --> Brave Rewards.
  • A screenshot of the Event logs tab
  • A screenshot of your Contributions tab

@Mattches DMā€™ed the info.


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@Mattches Also, my Pixel 2XL started showing the ā€œThis Brave Verified Creator has not yet configured their account to receive contributions from Brave usersā€ message again for sites that I know for a fact are receiving contributions. Hereā€™s a screenshot below:

@Mattches any update on this from the team? It seems pretty consistent that my most used sites donā€™t seem to get paid ( and in particular). It happened again this month, see the image below.

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Apologies for the late response ā€“ I actually opened an internal issue for this some time ago on Github. I havenā€™t seen any updates on it lately ā€“ let me se if I can get an update on the status of it.



I believe Iā€™m experiencing the same issue.

I installed Brave on Windows 10 in September 2020 (Iā€™m not sure which version that corresponds to). Iā€™ve been installing any updates to Brave since then and Iā€™m now on version 1.17.73 Chromium 87.0.4280.67 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Auto-Contribute is enabled and all the sites in the Auto-Contribute have a blue circled tick. Iā€™ve never used Token Grants, Monthly Contributions, or One-time Tips.

I donā€™t remember why, but the rewards-internals shows that I did briefly toggle off Auto-Contribute on 28th Sept at least I think thatā€™s what the following log messages indicate:
28/09/2020, 12:24:59 ac.enabled 1
28/09/2020, 12:24:52 ac.enabled 0
24/09/2020, 08:26:31 ac.enabled 1

Looking through my Monthly Statements I can see that Iā€™ve received Earnings from Ads for October and November.

However, Iā€™m also seeing zero for Auto-Contribute in the Monthly Statements which is where I expected my BAT Rewards to be going. The other fields (One-time Tips etc.) are zero as expected.

brave://rewards-internals shows that both months are stuck in ā€œStep: Prepareā€ and the ā€œRetry Countā€ is steadily incrementing.

Is it possible to confirm that any sites listed in rewards-internals with a non-zero ā€œContributed amountā€ are actually receiving the BAT? If they have been then I think it should be reported at a more user-friendly level in the Monthly Statements instead of just showing zero. As it stands the Monthly Statements make it look like the Rewards BAT has vanished.

Do you have a link to the Github issue you raised? Iā€™d be quite keen to follow any technical information and code patches relevant to this issue.

This is my first time on the Community boards, so Iā€™m going to attempt to attach some screenshots of my Monthly Statements and corresponding rewards-internals.

November statement:

November rewards-internals:

October rewards-internals:

rewards-internals event log:

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Yes, like @montice, I also donā€™t see my contributions appear in my monthly statements. Iā€™ve been using Brave for several months now and my total contribution is still a big fat zero. It seems like that contribution counter isnā€™t updated until the entire AC transaction goes through. None of mine have gone past the ā€œPrepareā€ stage so they never show up.

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@Mattches This month, both my phone and my tablet were able to complete their auto-contributions, but my PC still exhibits the same issue. This time around it got stuck contributing to some Youtube channels.

How much longer do we have to wait for this to be fixed? I canā€™t believe this entire browserā€™s business plan is based on a system so buggy and broken that it takes months and months to get a decent response, much less an actual fix.

Itā€™s also a bit confusing that AC donations only show up in your monthly statements after the ENTIRE transaction goes through. No wonder people are complaining about disappearing BAT all the time. BAT gets sent off, but we donā€™t see any logs besides going into brave://rewards-internals to see what the heck went wrong.

Iā€™ve filed a GitHub report on this as I seem to be unable to get decent answers after several MONTHS.

Honestly, guys. If you ever want people to take Brave and BAT seriously, these issues need to be ironed out and your support staff needs to be WAY MORE COMMUNICATIVE.

BAT is money, and people expect services that deal with currency to have rock-solid transactions and credible book-keeping. If any real world bank operated with these kinds of transactional mistakes and lack of efficient, responsive communication, theyā€™d be laughed into bankruptcy.


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