I found a workaround using PulseAudio Volume Control; I followed this guide to change Brave’s output from the new device (a monitor via HDMI in my case) to the desired device. I have disconnected and reconnected the monitor since using the workaround and audio continued to work as expected.
Yes, I tested with chrome which worked fine on all websites I tested (YouTube, Netflix, etc.) when plugging in the monitor.
Before using my workaround I also tried; clearing Brave’s cache, reseting Brave settings, reinstalling Brave via apt, removing+installing Brave via apt, updating/upgrading everything via apt and restarting my system. The issue persisted through all of it. I have used Brave with this monitor every day for months and only had the issue starting July 29, if I remember correctly I had just updated as well.
Thank you for the information. Reaching out to the team about this now as I cannot reproduce the issue. I am curious what the exact device you are wanting your audio to play from? Are you connecting via HDMI, then wanting audio to play via headphones the same way as OP of the post you linked to wanted? Or is there a different setup involved here?
I have the same setup as that OP, second montior for picture only and headphones for audio. I don’t remember exactly which headphones I had connected, could have been USB, aux or bluetooth but, I would guess bluetooth.