Brave Ad placement

Briefly describe your issue:
Brave ads used to pop up in bottom right now pop up in top right

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?
Windows 10 and [
Version 1.30.89

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)

I just need help finding the setting that moves my ad pop up back to the bottom right instead of having it pop up in the top right of my screen. I looked through all my settings and couldn’t find it. I have no idea why it randomly started going to the top right instead but it’s really bothering me. Any helpers?

I don’t know why it won’t let me post without an OPTIONAL tag, you should probably change that from optional to mandatory. I guess I have to pick ads-bug? even though I don’t think this is a bug…

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I think this should be rolling back shortly for everyone as stated here (Custom Notifications).

For me, it already was:

With the ‘new’ model you could drag it to a different location and they’d pop up there instead.

Interesting though, I didn’t expect that to get rolled back. I was just starting to get used to it and noticed they would auto-disappear after maybe 2 mins. I guess we’ll see where this goes.

Awesome thanks for the tip!

Oh cool i’ll try that next time thanks for the reply!

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