Blurry fonts on Ubuntu (24.04) from brave 1.75 (OK on 1.74)

Description of the issue:
Blurry fonts looking worst on non-white background (eg. gmail account with picture background)

How can this issue be reproduced?
Update to brave 1.75 or higher

Expected result:
Previously clear fonts will become blurry

Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.75

Additional Information:

Firefox for comparison displays clear fonts the same websites.

Here a comparison:

FWIW, I don’t see this issue on 1.75 + Ubuntu 24.10. I’ve also added some fonts though.

Have tried on non-white backgrounds, or gray on white? For me it’s worst then.

yes, I tried on light and dark. Attaching a screenshot to see if it’s better or worse than what you’re seeing.

I’m at 100% scaling in Brave and system (Wayland). I imagine the fonts would be sharper scaled up to 150%.


Thank you for checking, I found what the issue is…
In 1.75 (at least for me… as I now read Chromium rolls this out in waves apparently) default setting for flag: “Enable Fontations font backend” has been changed from default of ‘DISABLED’ to default of ‘ENABLED’ - for some reason enabled Fontations cause this for me… So setting this to back to disabled ‘fixed’ the issue - things are crisp.
I also tested this directly on Chromium and it’s exactly same behavior

@jayarmstrong can you maybe check if you have this enabled or disabled? (and check if flipping the values has same effect for you?)

Mine was enabled (default). I just disabled it and relaunched, took screenshots, and at 200% the text looks identical. Compared brave flags page and my email app, both with light text on dark.

I’m glad to have good font rendering out the box. Which distro are you running?

As per title I’m on Ubuntu 24.04
I also asked a friend using Ubuntu 24.04 (but normally on Firefox) - he tried same thing on chromium and also experienced this issue.
I also opened and issue at fontations: and guy there advices that there was already issue open for this here:

Hopefully it will be fixed at some stage - until then I’m staying on ‘FreeType’