Bitget page failure

Bitget’s cryptocurrency trading site fails. Sometimes it does not show the trading charts and I have to wait for a while until it works. The brave ad blocker has nothing to do with it, since I have tried disabling and enabling it many times and it still has the same problem.
PSDT: My internet connection works fine.
PSDT: This problem is not present in other web browsers. In the others, it works correctly. Only Brave has this problem

@juanitofut6 we’re missing some information that is kind of important. I’m going to ask for those details below, as well as some additional steps for you to try. These additional steps just help to rule out issues and know a bit more on what’s going on. I’m assuming you’re on desktop, but just will be verifying regardless

  • What version of Brave are you using?

  • Which operating system? (for example, Windows 11, Android 12, etc)

  • Does this work any better on a private window?

  • (Desktop only) Can you create a new profile and see if anything changes? (make sure you don’t install any extensions or anything on it, keep this a “clean” profile with default settings)

  • Have you tested on Brave Beta or Brave Nightly? If not, please give that a try.

  • Are you using a VPN?

  • You mentioned not present in other web browsers. Which ones did you test on?

Just a FYI, I tested and everything seems to be working with no issues for me.

Is it any particular areas of the site?

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