Big difference in estimated earnings and payout amount

I observed a big differnece in the estimated monthly rewards and the actual bat payout. To be precise, it showed 2.982 as estimated, but gave only 2 bat which has a big difference of 1 bat.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?
I am using android 10 and Brave 1.33.106

Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?
No, I installed brave recently in this phone.

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)

Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?

Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)?


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In my case, the OS is Windows and this also happens on the 3 computers that I have Brave installed here at home.
One Windows 11 and two Windows 10. It’s got worse, because in the last few months the BAT’s disappear before entering my wallet and never come back!

Ok, in the case of January I know it’s still being processed… But what about the rest? I only got a month and I never got anything again!

This is very strange how Bats disappear :thinking: :confused:

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I’m also in the same situation. Last month I gathered 2.036 BATs but the claimed amount was only 2.00 BATs, why?

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Have you linked your browser with Uphold or Gemini? Also check whether your auto contribute was accidentally turned on.

My current observation:
For my unlinked brave rewards (from phone and 1 pc), the rewards I received are rounded to whole number. Say for example, I should receive 3.25 BAT but only 3 arrived. Same situation in my phone just as OP and other user described.

For my linked brave rewards (another PC, linked to uphold), I received the exact amount. I know. it’s still pending but I received a claim button notification. I think it’s a bug because I checked in the rewards internals and it was uphold there as the custodian so this was supposed to be automatic right.? But I clicked the claim buttons anyways, and there it was, arrived in my uphold after a few minutes. IDK what the F happened really.

By the way, another pc linked to the same uphold account has about 3.5BAT coming. I don’t see a claim button on this pc so this one will be following the original process I guess.

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Can anyone here who thinks they’re experiencing this issue send me a DM with their wallet payment ID (found on your brave://rewards-internals page) so we can take a closer look? Additionally, can you please put the link to this thread in the subject line of the DM so I know where it came from?

Thank you.

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