on 5 August my remnant of bats on the browser went down to zero, and the balance is staying there. This is the second time I stopped receiving the BATs. (First time - from October 2020 to May 2021). Please help…
(Plus: I was assured that I would get the missing BATs - but that did not happend…
I would recommend to logout from everything, restart your PC, open BRAVE and the log back into your account. If it is connected to uphold log in to Uphold and see if your Bats are there
Maybe this can help - a screen shot of the latest activities in Uphold. The “traded ETH” during the last 4 months are from the existing BATs in the account.
Also: I can no longer see the BAT rewards on my browser, and can’t see where in the setting to get it back. (If that’s the DM you requested).