Ask about how to earn BAT with Brave

Hey there !
Adblcking has nothing to do with Bat earnings
The Adblocker or the lion faced shield you mentioned is built inside brave it helps to block unnessary privacy evading ads trackers and more which in turn streanthens user privacy and security also it has additional benefits like faster page load times less bandwidth use and more
Think of it more like a web clutter management system that cleans up the pages for a fast and efficient performance :slightly_smiling_face:
Cheers !

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Bat can be gained by introductions as ya already know besides that you can enable rewards from settings/Brave rewards or the red triangle beside the URL bar and no of ads received at least now depends on your country furthermore you can link it with the same uphold account
As per need you can also uncheck autocontribute under brave rewards
Your YouTube channel can be tipped by your fans as if they decide to
Token grants - one can claim token grants from brave
Token grants do not have fixed times or dates so just keep an eye out for notification besides the URL bar
Token grants are meant to support creators and a way for the user to start tipping and experince rewards and tipping without adding any funds in Brave rewards !

Welcome to the community !

I ad equals $0.01 per my calculations

Everyone let me ask? An uphold account has used a previous Brave account. After I disconnect, can I use it with another Brave account???

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