Hi, My uphold wallet verified and brave browser version lastest but december payment not received. android and pc both not received.
Please follow this thread for updates regarding January payments to verified Uphold wallets - Ads Payout Status Update.
Thank you for your patience!
I’ve been using brave from both pc and mobile, I received the November payout on 10th dec 2021 on time, but the December payout is not yet received, its been almost 10 days now.
I usually receive the monthly payment on 10th of every month. Please can I know if I’m doing something wrong or should I know something about the process?
thank you.
Do you have Gemini? I do and I guess several Gemini accounts have been flagged. Maybe that happened to your account.
hey, i just received the monthly payment from my pc, but not yet from mobile.
I also received it just now on my android mobile.
İ received my mobile payment but , not received my pc payment. And There has been no bat token for advertising for 4 days.
yeah, somedays they advertise and somedays they don’t, for me the ads have declined recently. Also I haven’t received my mobile payment .
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