Another issue of Brave with BAT but not showing on verified Upload wallet

Hi -

I have read through many tickets showing this same issue but have not found a valid resolution. It seems people post an image of proof the the ticket must have been resolved off forum.

Anyhow, I am posting this here in hopes I can resolve my issue. I am using Brave Version 1.5.86 Chromium: 80.0.3987.87 (Official Build) dev (64-bit)]( and have a positive balance.

I have verified my wallet on Uphold and have successfully transferred a small amount of BAT to test it. Worked great. However, I still have a balance of BAT in Brave that is not syncing with Uphold. Uphold still shows 0 funds available.

I have read through various documentation, backed up and restored my wallet, read through the forums and still can’t find any info on this.

Also - my BAT is from rewards from watching ads over the last several months.

Thank in advance for any help.


P.S. Here’s a sample link of my issue:

Screenshot showing my current BAT balance in Brave:

Screenshot showing balance on Uphold home page:

Screenshot showing balance on BAT card in Uphold:


Same for me,

200.7 BAT on Brave Rewards
33.15 BAT on my Uphold Brave Browser account

What is happening? And how can we get all of our BAT?

I spoke with Uphold and they claim this is a Brave issue to be taken up with them. They also provided me with the following contact info:

Contact Brave support directly at [email protected], or browse their FAQ for more details:

We’ll see how this goes

Another clue - I have been using Brave for 10 months or so. I started out on the Dev version of the browser and still use it, and keep it updated. It seems like I have a lot of BAT stored in the dev browser that is not being sync’d to my wallet.

If I restore my wallet to a new version of Brave I have 0 balance. Yet backing up the wallet on dev, deleting and restoring from seed my balance shows back up.

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The issue you describe may be related to the 3-wallet limit for the two-way wallet. There is some information about it in this recent post:

Other members are waiting for a further response to the post from Brave.

Thanks for the link. I’m a bit confused because I’ve been collecting BAT for almost a year now and finally the other day verified my wallet. So I am not sure if I have more than one wallet.

According to the Brave team they mentioned 4 months ago that they were working on a fix to get this ‘stuck’ BAT transferrable to Uphold, but it seems there may still be an issue.

I’ve tried doing fresh installs and restoring from seed but nothing changes. I still see my BAT dangling in front of my face and I can’t get it. Ahg! hehe

One possible way to tell how many linked wallets you have is by the number of individual “Brave Browser” cards you have in Uphold.


They all look identical, which is confusing, but if you have multiple “Brave Browser” cards in your Uphold account, then you may have already linked 3 wallets for withdrawal (even inadvertently like it appears most people here did). Apart from seeing a Brave Browser card with 0.00 BAT when you try to withdraw to Uphold, there is no indication that I’m aware of that tells you that you’ve reached your linked wallet limit for withdrawals.

There must be a way to unlink wallets, or increase the limit, otherwise every developer at Brave who QAs is in the same boat as the end-users who unknowingly hit their 3-wallet limit while testing with the dev builds.

I hope this issue gets fixed but don’t necessarily want to tie up anyone on a support issue goose chase.

I just tested and realized I can still tip creators so as long as that’s up and running I’m good. I’ll keep an eye on a fix for this issue but in the mean time may end up using up the funds on tipping.

Speaking of which - it would be cool if this discourse would support tips on answers.

I’ve got similar problem

In the browser I have 150 bat, in the wallet I have 50 bat (on opening uphold account I received 30 and 20 from unknown to me sources)

I bet they’ll fix it when bat drops back down by 60%

It seems that any new deposits I get are continuing to be locked in my browser’s wallet. I just collect a handful of BAT thinking that new rewards will work but they too are ‘frozen’. Curious if there has been any movement on this issue.

yes i have the same exact situation. its annoying.

Yeah it’s odd because now I have around 200 BAT frozen in my browser. I can tip out of it but I can’t withdraw it with my verified Uphold wallet. It’s as if they’re not connected.

However, I just got a deposit of around 28 BAT into Uphold that said “payout for December ad earnings” so I am not sure what’s going on. Maybe payouts are catching up? or 3 months behind? or maybe I got an accidental deposit? Curious.

2 months ago I had 24 BAT that was “stuck” for a lack of a better term in the dev version wallet. last month it was up to 47BAT. Tonight I just got 67 deposited and that showed up in my uphold wallet. so i guess the good news is my future deposits seem to be working. I might just end up tipping the 47 BAT away because it annoys me i cant touch it. but i am very greedy so we will see.:stuck_out_tongue:

I got the uphold account verified a week ago and since then I get this message on the Brave browser:

“Uh oh! The Brave Rewards server is not responding. We will fix this as soon as possible.”

Also my balance of around $42 has disappeared, there is no withdraw button and I’m no longer earning BAT.

I’ve sent a message to Brave support, I believe yesterday was payout day.

I found this message hope it helps : © Temporary Issue (New-system BAT cannot be transferred until v1.7): Some of your BAT may not have been transferred to Uphold due to a new system we’ve introduced to make the BAT tokens in your wallet more private. (You can find more details about the privacy protocol change in this thread.) In short, the portion of your Brave Rewards balance that was successfully transferred to your Uphold account can be thought of as “old-system BAT”, while the remaining balance that did not make it over can be thought of as “new system” BAT.

We are currently missing a component that allows “new system” BAT to move from the Brave Rewards wallet to Uphold. (However, if you’ve linked & verified your Uphold account, any BAT you receive from ad earnings going forward will be deposited straight into your Uphold account on the 5th of each month without getting stuck.) Once the missing component is live, your remaining “new system” BAT in your Brave Rewards wallet should transfer over to Uphold as well. The missing component is slated to arrive in v1.7 of Brave.

Just a quick update - I have over 200 BAT in my browser. It just disappeared, then I got another notice of 30 BAT added to my wallet on Uphold. Looking into this further, my rewards screen shows my 200 BAT but my broswer’s reward slide out menu shows 0.

Not sure what’s going on. Perhaps with the odd deposits happening it will eventually equal my 200 BAT stuck in the browser.

here we are at [Version 1.7.71] and my “new system” BAT is still stuck in the brave wallet. so much for them adding that missing component.

Keep checking your wallet. Although the majority of my funds are frozen in my Browser when I check Uphold I get random deposits. There is no rhyme or reason for it but at least something is coming in.

i got this months earnings deposited. but that old 47 BAT still remains in my brave wallet and wont show up in uphold. we are on version 1.8 (developer) now and i don’t think they are ever going to resolve the issue they don’t even respond to threads

Yeah it’s a bit frustrating but keep in mind there is a lot under transition here with the browser being developed, the block chain integration, rewards process etc

Even so - I think I have a fix for this issue. For me, my BAT is stuck in my browser, but I can still tip. Since that’s the case I can just tip myself to get my frozen BAT. You would need a Reddit post, Github commit or verified web site to do this.

Please keep in mind that it would be honorable to keep some BAT in Brave for tipping. That is to say, keep it in the Brave economy. For me I use part of it for storing and keep some in my wallet for tipping. I haven’t gotten into tipping much but plan to.