All pages "in red" unreadable Brave Mac

All tre pages are unreadable , just red background , after latest update. No way to make changes in settings for the same reason. Removed all cache/settings but no solution. Downgraded to a previous version to get app access.
System Ventura 13.6.9 on macpro 6.1

Can you please try downloading the Beta version of the browser and tell me if it displays the same way?

yes, same issue.

same problem on macos sonoma 14,7.
I have to disinstall brave because doesn’t work. everything is red.
please resolve.

download a previous version of brave browser. It should be keept on the site for this situations. Also the option NOT to upgrade automatically should be added

is it fix that bug?i can’t see the menu, to try disable hardware acceleration.

Can you both please try launching the Terminal on macOS and entering the following command:

open -a "Brave Browser" --args --disable-gpu

When run the browser should open with Graphics acceleration disabled — does the browser still display in all red?

yes. the issue is related to the hardware accelaration. disabling it it works normally

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Thank you for confirming. Can everyone else here encountering the behavior please perform the same test and let me know if that resolves the issue?

for your info the mac pro I’m using is patcher with Opencore Legacy to allow Ventura installation. the latest version worked for me with graphic acceleration is Brave

great! i did not know the terminal command to be able to disable the hardware acceleration of brave.
that’s great. Now brave works normally!!!
thank you very much indeed!

Even with me that one there is the last working version.
I solved it by typing the terminal command to disable hardware acceleration. I didn’t know that on brave.
And unfortunately with all that red I couldn’t see anything.
now everything works fine!

I can confirm the issue on a Mac Pro Late 2013 model with Processor 2.7Ghz 12-Core Intel Xeon E5 and GPU AMD FirePro D700 6Gb. Running Sonoma 14.6.1 installed using OpenCore Legacy Patcher 2.0.2

Brave offending version 1.70.123. Launching from the terminal with the --disable-gpu argument makes Brave usable again.

Hello, same problem but after relaunching Brave, the red problem returns !
Mac Pro 2013 Sequoia

Disable hardware accelleration!
Is a oclp issue.

any date/version for a “real” solution that allows to use graphic acceleration back again?

Make Acceleration Great Again!

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