Hardware Acceleration breaks browser almost entirely

Description of the issue:
There is no text what-so-ever throughout the whole browser
I would have assumed this was something to with Big Sur/M1 chip but this issue here was posted in August 2020, also I’m not getting any red/yellow images

How can this issue be reproduced?
I wouldn’t have a clue how/why its occurring, one day I opened Brave and it looked as above. I have force quit the browser, restarted my computer, and re-run the brave installer.

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information:
Yes open -a "Brave browser.app" --args --disable-gpu makes it work normally, and yes disabling use hardware acceleration in setting works. I just think its nuts that this problem exists as it renders the browser entirely useless and people who don’t know what they are doing would be forced to use a different browser.

Can confirm that I have this issue as well.

Platform: macOS 11.2, Apple M1
Brave Version: 1.20.103

This started happening for me I believe on Monday or Tuesday of this week. The text in the address bar disappears, images don’t load half the time on most websites, and CSS rendering gets messed up as well.

I confirmed that disabling hardware acceleration resolved the issue for me.

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