After windows reinstall cant connect to my brave reward


I just reinstalled my windows to new ssd and when i want to connect back my laptop to brave reward got error: Device limit reached. When can i do now?


When you remove and reinstall or format, brave now recognizes that device as new and counts against your device limit. You also lose any rewards not yet transferred to a verified wallet. Below is a link (with screen shots) on how to remove an old device.

I just read that and can you please explain me those step. I need to go to brave://rewards-internals on my connected divice? or not connected and then where to follow this user request from cant find link to it?

The links and screenshots are all in the link I have provided.

OK found link but can you tell me how can I find that Custodian mamber ID when i already reinstalled my windows…it probably not possible

That is to your external wallet such as Gemini or uphold. That should be the same id as your other connected devices.

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