Ads are visible, but no BAT Rewards


For about a month, I see that the ads are visible, but I don’t receive any Brave Rewards. Yes, Brave Rewards are active and the maximum number of ads are set to 10 (in the Brave Settings), I see all of the advertisements, but I don’t receive a BAT for it.

That’s my ads history and I didn’t receive any BAT tokens from none of them:

PS: Auto-Contribute option is disabled.

Thank you in advance! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Brave Support will probably need more info — good example by “englishguy4”

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Hey @Foncho !

Are you using a VPN? If so, this will affect your rewards.

If you are not using a VPN, please do the following :

Thank you for reporting! Please DM with the following information:

  • Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals)
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version)
  • A screenshot of your Rewards panel in Settings --> Brave Rewards.

This will help to speed up the troubleshooting. Thank you in advance!


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It’s a bug in Brave.

Brave is displaying ads to you that aren’t in your region. Therefore, you aren’t compensated for those ads.

You can see what ads are available in your region at

In my case, my Brave browser on Linux is stuck on displaying this ad to me:

However, it isn’t in my region, so I’m never getting any compensation.

I have not been able to find any solution to this probably. I think it’s a bug in Brave that a developer needs to fix.


I don’t know, for example, there’s a ‘’ with ‘Type: new tab page’. I see this ad, but I don’t receive a BAT from it.

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You get paid for the New Tab Ads only for the first 4 times between 2-3 hours.

@ItzMeRajat, No, I don’t get paid for any ads in the last month.

I’m stuck at 422 ads received this month for 6 days already. I can still get ads on my work PC and on my living room mini PC, buy my main one hasn’t received a single ad after it reached 422 this month [6 days have passed with 0].
It has nothing to do with the usage of a VPN, as the ads I’m getting compensated for at work (mostly sponsored images) are the same I get at home and they’re not counting or being credited ONLY on my main PC, but are being credited on my mini PC just as usual, regardless of using a VPN or not.
Also at work, as well as on my mini PC, I’m still receiving notification ads as usual, just not on my main PC. I’m just getting sponsored images but those aren’t being added to the counter or being credited for 6 days already, again, JUST on my main PC.

The most frequent problem in my log in last few weeks is “[Jul 25, 2021, 7:39:19.8] Payment balance not ready”.

No, I’m not using a VPN.

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Try clearing cach and cookies also if clearing cach alone doesn’t work. Here-brave://settings/clearBrowserData with Time range > All time and relaunch browser.

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@Aman_M, when the update will be released?

PS: All cookies and cache were deleted and I still don’t receive a BAT.

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I was talking about this version only.

Are you still getting this error?

Hey @Foncho @kalleanka

Please do not post your wallet / logs in public threads. Be sure to only DM this information to the Support Team.

@Foncho , please DM me the information requested.

I will be closing the thread.
