Add Setting: Open new tab next to current tab, or at end



  • Add a Setting where users can select where a new tab opens. When you click Ctrl + t, a new tab will open:
    Option 1 - at end of the open tabs (current functionality)
    Option 2 - next to current tab (desired option)


  • I prefer to group my tabs based on content - what I’m working on or researching. Tabs that open at the end of my tab list force me to re-group or bounce around tabs more often than I would like.

This request is in the same vein as, but distinctly different from these requests:

Thank you,


Dude I’m with you. I jump around and not having my tabs grouped by what I’m doing or researching and instead all the way at the bottom is infuriating. Can’t for the life of me think of a reason someone would want to open a link in a new tab and it be all far away from the current tab… doesn’t make sense to me one bit… seems to keep my new tabs close sometimes but it’s like I have no control over it. hate my new tabs right now. Minds of their own.


Hello guys,

I have tabs grouped but in my Samsung S 20 FE 5G.
But not in my LG K51S :flushed:

??? :roll_eyes:

Also I’ve wanted to have my both phones synced with same tabs. It still doesn’t work :confused:

Opening this issue up, again. I absolutely get mad when a new tab opens within my bespoke order of tabs that I use for work.
Sometimes, I open ten links to read later, yet have all my relevant work right next to my tab. So I want the new tabs to be far away so they don’t disturb me right now.
That’s seriously the first thing I change in any browser, and as much as I like Brave, not having this option is one of the reasons that always makes me return to other browsers and makes me hesitant to recommend Brave without mentioning it.


Another vote for this setting… I normaly have >50 tabs open and I group them by topic.
I hate it that new tabs always beeing opened at the end…


+1 I need this too!
Vivaldi does it very well.

+1 on that !! So surprised and disappointed option is not there :frowning:

Yes, This option is very useful for me too . Brave please add it !
thx /

Hi! I found the solution for changing new tab behaviour :fireworks:!

You can open brave://settings/system/shortcuts and search for New tab. The results would contain New tab and New tab to the right actions. To change the default new tab shortcut (Ctrl+T on Windows and Cmd+T on macOS) behaviour you just need to unbind shortcut from New tab and rebind it to New tab to the right.

To do so, on Windows you could simply unbind shortcut Ctrl+T from New tab by clicking ~munis sign button~ appearing when you hover cursor over the shortcut (Ctrl+T) and then bind it to New tab to the right action by clicking Add.

On macOS though you will be unable to unbind the shortcut from New Tab action by just clicking ~munis sign button~ as on Windows, as opening new tab is the default system action and thus is controlled by macOS. To do so, you will have to first go to the System Settings → Keyboard → Keyboard Shortcuts → App Shortcuts, add new shortcut for Brave for menu title New Tab ( :warning: Tab should start with a capital letter as it is the exact title of Brave menu item File → New Tab) and shortcut value say Cmd+Alt+T (choose smth you will never use). Then you should restart Brave and on the next start you will see that brave://settings/system/shortcuts shows the updated shortcut for New Tab action. Finally, you can bind Cmd+T shortcut to the New Tab to the Right action by clicking Add.

Hope this will help everyone :grin:.

And dear developers :imp:, please add ~i button~ displaying tooltip with a hint for the system shortcuts on macOS, so that users will not have to dig into browser sources to find this hint. This would help everyone having problems with default shortcuts, no need for additional settings.


thanks you a lot. I was looking for this into tab settings now using with shortcut is life saver.

thanks, I use this way too! add a shortcut for :


That link no longer works.

Which link are you talking about? For me brave://settings/system/shortcuts opens on the lates Brave for Mac, if it does not work for you - open Settings > System > Shortcuts via menu.

I was talking about brave://settings/system/shortcuts. That did not exist in my version (then of course also not via the menu). But I had to remove Brave, because I updated it, but then always when I started Brave, it said I had to restart it to initialize the new version (big bug there). So I had to remove it completely. I forgot to backup my bookmarks, so they were lost. When I installed the newest version, then brave://settings/system/shortcuts did exist.

This works when manually using the shortcut to open a new tab. However, it doesn’t work to open a tab next to the current tab when clicking a link from an external program. For example, let’s say I click a link from the Slack app to open in the browser, it adds the tab to the end of the list. Also, I think it also doesn’t open next to the current tab when clicking the “+” button.