Request: add more favorite slots on the new tab page
Platform: Brave mobile (iPad)
At present, I can add only 6 favorites on the new tab page of Brave mobile. Favorite pages numbers 7-99 will only appear once I click the “show more” button. This is a bit of a nuisance. Especially because the new tab page itself is predominantly empty space. Moreover, the whole idea of letting favorites appear on the new tab page is getting quick access. At present, there’s no such thing.
These are the steps I have to go through to get to favorite pages 7-99:
Click the tab-button (the one that indicates how many tabs are opened)
Clicking the plus icon
Clicking the show more button
Anyone having ideas about this? Or am I overlooking something?
“Start page” should be improved
Vote this suggestion
And maybe developers think about to improve something
Because apparently you need a lot of people to ask/vote — to improve an absolutely “banal thing”
How much votes needs to improve the “Start Page”?
And if someone creates something st*pid and there will gather, for example, 10,000 votes, then what? Will the developers implement it?!
I don’t understand why you need such a system/strategy to browser development — it’s bad and unfortunately doesn’t lead to development