Accidently Deleted my Profile, How to recover it?

Description of the issue:
Clicked on Delete Profile, Thinking it would delete them and merge them into the 1 profile, but it actually deleted everything.

How can this issue be reproduced?
when I Delete the Profile from the Start interface while choosing which profile to open.

Expected result: How to Recover my profiles? ( I lost my email )

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.73.105 Chromium: 131.0.6778.265 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:
I would like for a personalized assistance please, I’m not expert at computers, I tried to retrieve the profile from my local files but couldn’t understand and didn’t find " default profile " just the new profiles I’m creating and they add in number, like profile 5, but no record of profile 4, 3,2,1 .

I wouldn’t mind it but It’s important and I’m stuck, the email had a paid subscription service with auto renewal and I need to stop it.
Please help :frowning:

I also tried recovery Points, It didn’t work.
but it maybe it didn’t work because I reinstalled brave, maybe that further deleted things.
sorry for not including that in with it.

Please If I could somehow get retrieve the profile from your data base or my local files.

@qwfbt ,

There are SOMETIMES data recovery procedures, BUT you must have NOT overwritten where the data was.

Much depends upon you knowing where the data was.

The important BraveSoftware folder location:

Linux OS: /home/[username]/.config/BraveSoftware/

Mac OS: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/

Windows OS: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\

When you locate that folder, Copy it to an external USB drive.

Two years ago, for Windows OS users, using the RECUVA application from CCleaner, @CerealLover posted a How to recover bookmarks but no guarantees:

Reinstall previous version of Brave - #3 by CerealLover

Meanwhile, use some other browser to sign on at the website that maintains your e-mail, and see what exists.

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