Description of the issue:
I am a developer and I’ve write some pages on my local machine as my tools, I want to save it as shortcut with “Open in window” flag, to use it like a WebApp.
But I found that the menu option “Create shortcut…” is disabled for local page.
How can this issue be reproduced?
Open a local page
Open menu at top-right corner → More tools → Create shortcut
“Create shortcut” is greyed
Expected result:
“Create shortcut” is on as online pages, and I can create a shortcut with “Open in window” option
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Additional Information:
I tried launch brave with flag -app="my/local/path.html".
It works as I expected, which means there is no reason to intentionally disable it
As it looks like there is no possibility to create shortcuts for local files, I tested successfully the workaround (proposed in the link below) for a test.html file.
I created a shortcut for (or any page of your choice), using “more tools”, “create shotcust”, and checked “open as window”.
I right-clicked on the shortcut generated on the desktop, deleted in the target, everything after the word app and pasted the address of my test file with the sign equal before it =C:\test.html
To replace the ico file with an icon of your choice go to C:\Users…\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Web Applications, and by ordering folders according to date you’ll find the ico file.