Adding shortcuts to desktop

how to add shortcuts to my desktop?

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@Robert1 can you elaborate more? Which shortcut? Did you mean “shortcut” that appears on New Tab Page?

Hi, if you mean a desktop shortcut, go to the following directory (under Windows):
C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application

There you click with the right mouse button on “brave.exe” and then on send to -> Desktop

This is the path for the Chromium version, which might not exist with e.g. Muon.

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If you are using Explorer as a browser and you right click on the site it will ask if you want to create a shortcut. When you right click the icon for that site will appear on your desktop. That’s a short cut. When you want to open that site you just put your
courser over the icon and double click the icon and the website would open in a new window.

This is exactly what I mean. Thank you.

Yeah only thing that drives me crazy is the inability (or lack of knowledge in my case) to right click on a web page in Brave browser and have an option in the context menu to create a desktop shortcut for the page I am on. Absolutely insane for this not to be feature. Currently If I want a desktop shortcut I have to copy the address, open IE, paste the address, open the page, right click on the page, then select create desktop short cut.

We have an open issue for this – I believe you’re referring to PWAs (Progressive Web apps):

Brave Beta (0.65.88) hasn’t fixed the problem either unfortunately.

That’s what I Have always done and I guess that’s not about to change anytime soon.

This issue has been pending for a while. Is there any progress on resolution?

Issue has been resolved and the fix looks like it will hit Release channel during the 0.66x builds.

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