A new web. We want a way to hold websites accountable for the articles they publish

a new web. We want a way to hold websites accountable for the articles they publish. Lets say a website with offensive articles continually appears in search results. I would like a way to create simple seaarch filters that are saved and available on the gui, which do this: searchquery -sitetobeblocked, -offensive site. using search syntax, blocking them by using the - syntax. The feature I waant is the ability to create and access multiple filter using GUI and the ability for academic researchers to collborate and share filters.

That I wrote today as I wish it to be it done soon. For the goodness of the web. My other ideas can come later but they’re revolutionary, with respect to researchers and ease of our work

That is the idea. what follows is just some of my opinions and thoughts on the web’s evolution.

Once we get that done I have a few more golden ideas on how to make this web closer to what it once was. many people blame google for the qulity declination of search results. I blame content creators who decipher and abuse google’s ranking methods, Penguin was never me favorite algorithm but ti think that increase of low quality content did not lay a part and to think that google wanted quality declination is likely missing an understanding of the seo game and the continual struggles involved for both google and creators.