Brave has recently included an “Are you a robot?” -type of test for Brave Search users. The test only presents under certain search conditions.
When you visit Brave Search, the involvement of Cloudflare may not be obvious, but some search criteria can somehow cause a Cloudflare . . . flareup.
For example, when I use a Brave Search Engine Operator (“SEO”) (example criteria: bicycles NOT site:
) where NOT site:
is the SEO, I now, often encounter the “Are you a robot?” -type of test.
The test facility being used by Brave, for Brave Search, is Cloudflare.
- In order for the robot / Cloudflare test to go smoothly . . .
In a Brave Browser New Window, go to:
Scroll down that javascript settings page to Allowed to use javascript
Click the Add button
Enter [*.]
as the site . . . but do not Enable the following:
Current Private session only
Click the Add button
Repeat those steps for:
Those (allow sources for certain Cloudflare javascripts) settings, help to ensure that Cloudflare javascripts are not frustrated by Brave Shields problems; but those settings are NOT guarantees.
I am not happy about the introduction of the Brave Search - Cloudflare - “Are you a robot?” -type of test.
I am using Brave Browser, plus Brave Search, plus Brave Search Engine Operators, and that causes a Brave Search - Cloudflare . . . flareup. (@Mattches ?)
Anyway, there is a possibility, that you are NOT seeing some of the Cloudflare activity, but Cloudflare is actively involved in your Brave Search efforts - while overseas.
Is one of my guesses, why you enounter “request not satisfied.”