403 - Forbidden: Access is denied

Hello. I can’t view this website on my machine.

I have tried other browsers and they don’t work, neither does my phone. I have called the store and their site works for them. So, I am thinking perhaps something in the Brave browser (I have set it as my default) is blocking access? Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thank you.

I would guess it’s something on your network blocking access. The site loads fine for me in Brave on Desktop as well as mobile.

Hello, thank you for your reply AfricaGroundhog. When you say “on your network”, could you elaborate? This is my home computer and it’s an iMac and I use the basic stuff (Adobe, Brave, Chrome, etc.) and connect through my WaveG account (router). What should I be looking at? Glad to hear it’s loading fine for you.

@CloudandBanner am a webmaster for several sites error 403 is mostly seen when ever certain ip addresses are restricted from viewing a page or the site webmaster made some mistake in site permission settings. In your case i think it is an ip address issue. Some site have some nasty algorithm that try to block certain ips if it think the user is a bot

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Hello Dgenies. Is there something I can do? This site is a local motorcycle shop so I am certain they aren’t doing anything on purpose to lose customers. And if it’s on my end, is there a setting in Brave (or on my computer) where I can enter this URL as an exception? I can’t figure out why this ip address would be restricted from viewing these pages. And if AfricaGroundhog was able to view the site, I don’t know why it would not work for me? That is why I feel it is something local on my machine and perhaps a setting (default?) in the Brave browser (super secure!) which I can change. Wishful thinking? And if they think I am a bot, is there something (a number? ID?) that I can give their webmaster to acknowledge I am legit? Thank you again for your thoughts and any advise.

try a vpn that should work there are free ones out there if you really want to visit the site

Ok thank you, will check that out.

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