2nd month in a row with a fraction of actual BAT payout

@magela08 it’s never been fully on the 7th. I mean, even I made a post back in 2022 about how payouts were still pending. The post was made on December 14, 2022. rewards - November - #2 by Saoiray

You also have I didn’t receive March Brave Rewards where person posted on April 18, 2022 just to have someone reply to say payments were still processing.

Or My rewards (BAT) October 2021 is missing where person posted on November 9, 2021 to say they hadn’t been received but reply was payments were pending.

Or this one on June 10, 2021 that said they did not receive payment and reply was that it still is processing.

So yeah, it’s not like it was ALWAYS on it. They have always had random delays. Though some months we get early. For example, Styles is already sharing they received their payment. They posted on December 6. I also received payment yesterday.

There are millions of people who receive payments. It can take time for it all to process and send. Even once Brave has it sent, they rely on the traffic to get to us.