Description of the issue:
All videos on no matter the length stop playing after reaching 59 seconds, If I reload the page and try to set the position of the video to, let’s say, 15 minutes it won’t play, just keeps loading until it’s throwing an error saying:
Something went wrong. Refresh or try again later.
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This happens on both Windows and Linux, with or without the Ad Blocker it behaves the same, I tried updating all brave//components and cleaning browser data, all data, and this worked but once I logged again on YouTube the error arose again
How can this issue be reproduced?
Install Brave, windows, or Linux(Arch Linux) log in YouTube, play a video with or without the AdBlocker, and watch how the video stops rendering at the second 59
Expected result:
The video plays like it should.
Brave Version:
- v1.73.91 (Nov 20, 2024)