YouTube Glitching/Flickering

Hey everyone, I’m having an issue with streaming videos on the Brave browser, when I’m on youtube or any other streaming site with video will start glitching/ flickering in black,
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. I think it started after my last update
  2. I’ve tried clearing my browser history/cache

Brave Version( Release Notes V1.31.87 (Oct 19, 2021)`):

Additional Information:

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Can you try disabling Hardware Acceleration in settings to see if this resolves the issue?

You’ll find this in Settings --> Additional Settings --> System --> Hardware Acceleration

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@Mattches, Damn, thanks a mill I just disabled it and it seems to be working awesome!

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Excellent, glad to hear it. Please let us know if the issue persists again.

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Will this be fixed? I’m having the same issue that’s detailed in various threads (this one we’re currently in, this one, this one, etc.) Using an RTX 2070.

Disabling HW acceleration works but it doesn’t fix the problem - it also cripples using applications where the GPU horsepower is utlised. Even something as simple as Google Maps chugs horrifically without it. If there are no plans to fix it I will go back to using Chrome again instead. Thanks.

We are working on this issue and have a wiki to track different aspects of the issue.

I’ve been seeing something similar. Specifically I seem to see a cascade of events with the video cycling large and small but still playing and CPU usage is through the roof. Will try disabling acceleration. Debian Stable, Brave 1.30.89. It started a while back, so I assume the hardware acceleration has changed. I have nagging recollection about offscreen pixmaps, but can’t remember on what hardware it was (and Google foo weak).

Not fixed by disabling hardware acceleration for me, indeed it may have made it worse. The problem when it occurs seems to affect multiple tabs, but that could be rendering or desktop related.

I’m leaning to reflow issue. It is resizing the screen repeatedly on certain events, so I think this is some sort of resize loop. Very hard to troubleshoot once it starts due to erratic CPU and event handling.

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