Youtube force reboot

Sometimes when in youtube specifically my laptop will reboot as in the screen goes black then shows me the startup sequence as if I had rebooted it.

How to reproduce: potentially will not work for you

  1. open youtube
  2. click on a video
  3. ~1:100 chance of pc force rebooting

Frequency: 1-2/day
temp upon error ocurring: 30-40C
Brave version: 1.67.134

Device info
Model: 2021 acer aspire 7
CPU: Ryzen 5 5500U
GPU: RTX 3050
RAM: 16gb ddr4 3200mhz


  • excessive cpu usage when loadig new page also only on youtube (spikes to 40-70% usage breafly while loading)
  • excessive ram usage also specifically only on youtube. I have the ram monitor on so I can see how much ram specific tabs are using and I have seen youtube use uprads of 3.2gb while all other tabs are behaving normally using 60-200mb. Not sure how to replicate jsut seems to happen at random. Also, most of the time youtube behaves normally but at comletely random times it will start using more and more ram and cpu and eventaully it’s like it’s running on a T40 thinkpad and the solution is to slose adn reopen brave.
  • I have tried to fidn any correlations to any of this but so far nothing, temps are all within normal range 30-40C, normally there’s nothing in the background, I only have about 3-6 tabs when it ocurrs, up-time, and so far nothing.

If your system is rebooting then it’s not specifically due to/being caused by Brave — it sounds like its due to the high resource consumption occurring.

I would recommend you try running brave with Graphics Acceleration disabled (Settings --> System --> Graphics Acceleration) and see if the high resource usage continues.

I already checked for that, whenever it does reboot ram and cpu usage is always normal ~300mb, and 12%. Plus to be sure I used edge and opera for a few months and the issue never recurred. Additionally the issue never occurred in any website other than youtube. But thanks anyway I’ll try that and see if it fixes the high resource usage problem. Probably not going to be able to confirm if it worked for a few days since this happens 1/day - 1/2-3days

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