Is there this brave bug?

Description of the issue: Pc silently restarts without crash notes or anything.
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. leave browser open while not in a high load state. (doesnt crash with games open other than LOL launcher in menu with browser)
  2. streaming videos.

Expected result:
Pc restarts SOMETIMES. temperature is normal.
Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information:
No overheats and probably no power spikes. i havent logged until i crashed anyway.

Is there any way i can confirm its Brave ? or does it really have to be my PSU or GPU etc

wow not even one admin ???

Might help - Piriform’s CCleaner:

Brave Support may want to know, if you have tried testing the “User hardware acceleration when available” switch at



Clear DNS cache:

URL: brave://net-internals/#dns

Click on “Clear host cache”

In a Brave Browser > New Window, go to: brave://settings/clearBrowserData

For tab On exit - set:

  • Enable: Browsing history
  • Enable: Download history
  • Enable: Cookies and other site data (Signs you out of most sites)
  • Enable: Cached images and files
  • Disable: Passwords and other sign-in data (When Enabled DELETES PASSWORDS)
  • Disable: Autofill form data
  • Disable: Site and Shields Settings
  • Enable: Hosted app data

Click on the “Save” button.

Return to: brave://settings/clearBrowserData

For tab Basic - set:

  • Time range:All time
  • Enable: Browsing history
  • Enable: Cookies and other site data (Signs you out of most sites)
  • Enable: Cached images and files

Click on the “Clear data” button.

(The “Clear data” button also saves the selections.)

thanks for the response.

well i tried under both hardware acceleration and not. I have also reinstalled the browser, cleared cache, different websites. yet it still happens (since i reinstalled i cant say the exact version but even when clean installing same thing) it started this month maybe near middle of this month??? ITS NOT A I OPEN BRAVE THEN MY PC RESTARTS, its a while streaming or leaving only the browser open “my pc may or may not restart”

Apologies but I do not understand how exactly the issue you’re describing is specific to Brave? If your PC is restarting then the issue sounds like a system and/or hardware issue.

I suspect that this behavior would occur regardless of whether or not you’re using Brave or any other browser.

no worries. well i thought that too but i should cover the rest of the angles since no crashing while gaming… also coincidentally every time it happened brave was open on idle or in use via streaming. oh i am also using memory saver or something.

Windows OS performance

When Brave Browser is running on your Windows machine, try in the command line:

tasklist > %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Running_Processes.txt

Developer Tools window

Windows OS keyboard: Control+Alt+I (F12 key may work, too, on some PC’s)

When you view the Brave Browser Developer Tools, look for the vertical 3 dots - near the right end of your window screenshot that you provided:

Screen Shot 2021-07-22 at 2.22.36 PM

Click on the vertical 3 dots

You will get a pop-up window showing how the Console window may be displayed on your computer — Dockside or as a separate browser window.

Screen Shot 2021-07-22 at 2.30.23 PM

You might have to fiddle with those buttons, but you will figure it out. Choose the separate browser window, so you can fully display the Developer Tool: Network . . . and also try the Console.

How to Use Web Browser Developer Tools
(March 24, 2020)

This Lifewire article has several good illustrations.

I don’t recommend using CCleaner, I thought it was good as well in the past so I got it… then I learned a bit more about it, especially after their data breach:

I use the free CCleaner version and install it carefully - meaning, without Google Chrome. I set CCleaner to run conservatively - most likely to not disrupt Windows OS.

CCleaner helps to monitor the System Restore Points; and thus, delete old ones.

Every day that I run Windows OS, I create one or more System Restore Points - each of those, after I create a Windows Registry backup - and save same to external drive(s) . . . along with backups of passwords and bookmarks, etc.

Makes for fast recovery.

OK, if it works for you, you do you, I’ve just heard a lot of bad things about CCleaner, not so much about anything to do with Google Chrome, just the owners of the software haven’t been great and have found malware within it’s services then the data breach, etc. etc. and thought I’d mention it, but yeah, whatever works for you.

@user21, the first thing I’d suggest is checking the Event Viewer, as 289wk mentioned earlier. If it were just the browser mysteriously closing without crash records, I’d think it could be a firewall or third-party program. But since the entire system is restarting, it seems like something more serious might be happening.

You might want to try a system stress test using tools like Prime95 or FurMark to see if your system restarts under heavy load.

Could you clarify what you mean here? Is the LOL launcher causing the issue, or is it something else?

Have you tried using Chrome, Firefox, or any other browser to see if the same thing happens? If it seems specific to Brave, I’d recommend checking your extensions, any settings in brave://flags, or testing with a new profile. You could also try using a different release channel like Brave Beta or Nightly

Well i was going to try other browsers however i have active session of like 300 tabs haha. so abit annoying to book mark everything again. just for a browser switch. i also assume doing a reinstall already deletes the profile.

to clarify. if i play a game with the browser in PIP for example streaming a video, it works fine, no issues. but if i am in a low workload state. such as only watching a video, pc has the chance to suddenly restart.

Also the only programs or software that updated besides windows update was just the browser… since the antivirus company (bitdefender)said they not getting reports like this from their update.

I will try beta or nightly . thanks

I havent used cc cleaner recently but its not cloud registry scanner so even if their account info gets leaked. its isolated to just that vaguely.

All of those options cant do anything since its not a browser restart its a PC restart. i suppose netlimiter you mean incase its a hacker?
Dev tools i havent tried as well as reading every single section in eventviewer(normally only look at sytem and application and admin events).

looking at brave task manager, all i notice is maybe memory saver isnt working since Google translate is pulling memory from tabs that probably should be inactive. windows task manager does say brave is using 2.4gb of memory, but shouldnt be a problem. i am using a couple of extensions. google translate, deepl, skip redirect, ublock origin, chrono downloader.

The idea is, attach instrumentation, learn over time, what you are seeing - reported by each instrument, and notice patterns . . . and then your eye catches something: a difference: a different pattern from the norm.

That is R&D; lots of study and frustration before stumbling upon a bit that leads to discovery.

aah after testing more it seems like the issue is Gigabyte motherboard microcode update bios. (which they themselves tells me its not) sure it does trigger more restarts with memory saver on though.

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