Youtube Doownloading is not working

Description of the issue:
When iam on a youtube video page and i click on Download i get only a dimmer screen, what should happen with that dimmer screen is that pop up page telling me to choose the quality of the video for the next 30 days!
some times that page pops up for a second maybe then disappears
how can i make this work
How can this issue be reproduced? brave macos a youtube video, or from the three points in the main youtube page on download

Expected result:
a pop up window appears to choose the quality of the downlaod
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.73.104 Chromium: 131.0.6778.204 (Official Build) (arm64)
Additional Information:

Can you elaborate a bit on what you mean here? Youtube does not allow you to download content from their site — are you using some sort of extension or third party software to do this?

Sorry I am not talking about downloading an MP4 video file
I am talking about the download that comes with the premium package from YouTube as an ordinary browser like Chrome
with brave there is a feature to download the videos for offline watch right?, I’ve been using it for years now!
that is what I am talking about

I’m going to see if someone on the team has a YT Premium account that I can use to test this. Will get back to you when I have done so.

So it looks like with Brave’s Shields up, the download function will not work as you stated. However, with Shields down, the function does work and, further, after turning Shields back on again, the function continues to work.

I’ve opened the following issue on our Github for review:

Great, Glad you reproduced it!
the thing that I’am asking here isn’t Download function is a privilege when using Brave without the need of YT Premium account?
i have been using it years now without a YT Premium account!
there was always an option called Download in my ordinary account.