Youtube does not play any video. Brave 1.4.96

Description of the issue: Youtube doesn’t play any video. Just keeps looping like it is loading
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open
  2. Click in a video
  3. Video doesn’t play
  4. Screenshot:

Expected result: have youtube working

Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.4.96

Additional Information:

If you have another PC available to you, does the same thing occur there?

Can you elaborate? It does not happen in the same pc using firefox, for example.

Another pc with Brave?

Try installing Brave Beta then? certainly unusual the issue.

I do not confirm for the given link. Works without a problem.
Win 8.1, Windows Defender + system firewall, Brave 1.4.96.

People who report errors could give at least the operating system version, for example, Windows 10 has many problems, even with updates. There may be hidden problems here.

Sorry. Just followed the template

$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch
Distributor ID: Fedora
Description: Fedora release 31 (Thirty One)
Release: 31
Codename: ThirtyOne

Installed Brave Beta and tested: it works
I noticed it is a completely new installation.

Then I copied my current profile to the beta profile, like this:

$ rm -rf .config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Beta/
$ cp -r .config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/ .config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Beta/

  1. Brave beta with “old” profile: fails to play
  2. Private window with brave beta and old profile: fails to play
  3. Brave beta with shields disabled: fails to play
  4. Brave beta, create a new profile via “Manage profiles” menu: fails to play

So, why is my current profile make youtube failing to play?

Never mind. I just removed all configs and started from scratch :frowning:

upx. it’s not working again. a little help @fanboynz ?

Found it! This is caused by enabling #ignore-gpu-blacklist flag, which enables hardware video decoding in linux.

It looks like that Brave has sometime of chromium custom build, which breaks hardware accelerated video playing. I never ever had this problem with Chrome (which I migrated from and had hw accelerated video)

There’s a nice article about this here. There’s a small extension that forces h264 codec at youtube: h264lify

Now all videos on youtube are playing. Some on facebook are not. lol i guess facebook also uses vp8/vp9.

Should this be bug-reported? One of the great advantages of running chrome is having hardware-accelerated video playing.

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