You tube comments disappear completely

You tube comments disappear completely, so far just on you tube…I cannot see or write any comments while using your shield to block ads, working great for Ads but makes a lot of other stuff , comments and such disappear totally. Is there a specific setting or code or something i need to change or delete to get comments back? Thanxz for any help :slight_smile:

This usually helps: Log out of YouTube and clear all your site data for YouTube (like cookies, cache, etc.). Then log back in to YouTube. If it doesn’t re-appear then, try disabling Brave Shields and then turning them on again, and also restarting Brave so that you have the latest updates.

Yeah tried all these and still nothing even my picture on the top right disappears and if i try to type a comment the whole comment line disappears with the already gone comments. Unfortunately i will have to wait and see if anything can fix it.

@Ezzatonian going to ask you to provide some details. But first…

Do you have Block Scripts enabled in Shields? Or what are your Shields settings like on YouTube? For example, mine is below:

Beyond that, I want to know:

  • Does it show if you disable Shields?

If the issue persists, then I want you to answer all of the info below:

  • Which version of Brave are you using? (provide exact number, don’t just say “the latest”)

  • Which OS are you using? (such as Windows 11, Android 12, etc)

  • Does this happen if you open in private window?

  • Assuming on desktop, can you create a new profile and test on it? You do this by going Hamburger Menu imageMore ToolsAdd new profile. This creates a secondary profile with no extensions and most browser settings at default.

That’s for all the feedback and help :slight_smile: I use to use shields all the time turned em off due to YouTube breaking them and thought i would try it again out of the blue to see if it worked again on youtube, blocks ads but unfortunately now this lol

Do you have Block Scripts enabled in Shields? Or what are your Shields settings like on YouTube? For example, mine is below: → I dont not have it enabled mine looks exactly like your :slight_smile:

Does it show if you disable Shields?–> Yes

Which version of Brave are you using? → Version 1.61.109 Chromium:120.0.6099.144 Offiial build 64-bit (says I am up to date?)

Which OS are you using? —> Windows 10 Home Version : 22H2

Does this happen if you open in private window? —> yes

Assuming on desktop, can you create a new profile and test on it? —> yes with new profile same thing happens. Weather I am not logged into my YouTube profile or logged into it same thing.

@Ezzatonian hmm, that at least narrows down a lot. What you are sharing is that it’s not because of extensions, cookies, or the basic settings. Yet it seems like it is definitely Shields related.

Going based on that, this leaves us at least two more questions to check

  1. Do you have any custom filters under brave://settings/shields/filters? I’m speaking of the things listed under the area that says Create custom filters.

  2. Have you changed anything in brave://flags?

Anything you add to these areas actually duplicate themselves even in new profiles. If it’s not that, then we have some very odd behavior that might have someone even want to consider it’s something outside the browser. At least, that is if you truly are using same Shields settings I showed you.

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ok so I went under custom filters there were a few in there from I don’t know years ago?, I guess, I wouldn’t of put them there myself but maybe from right clicking block this?, were I would right click and block some really dumb stuff YouTube use to do? Banners ad’s or maybe pop ups on other webpages?? Anyways I deleted all the ones I had in there, like I said from ageeeeessssss ago…and apparently it must of been linked with it cause now all my comments and stuff are back it seems to be. And to be honest weird cause honestly I don’t really go in there much at all especially filters cause I usually never have too, and have never made them myself never needed to. I am an alright computer guy but this one had me stumped. So thank you all for your help. :slight_smile: Many Thanxz and have a Merry Christmas !

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