Can't get to comments within the comment area of YouTube


Ok, so this is a serious issue for me b/c I’m an activist trying to save humanity, & I need to be able to respond to comments on my channel & on other people’s channels.

I have had issues before, but I didn’t think it was Brave, I always thought it was YT.

After this gonig on for about 10 different e-mails, I just copied the link from the e-mail notices I get from YT, tried it on Chrome & it works fine, it takes me right to the comment.

On Brave it does nothing, it just loads the page & keeps me at the top where the video window is.

The comment isn’t anywhere near the top so even if I scroll down I can’t find it.

I don’t want goolag to see me commenting, so now I can’t do anything until you guys fix it.

Please fix it ASAP.



It’s not a browser specific issue, seems to be quite common.

But the general fix is Clear the cookies and cache for youtube, and relogin.


Ok, that seemed to work a bit, but I find that Chrome still takes me to the exact spot much faster than Brave, & Brave put me just above the spot where the comment was.


Could be related to the various scripts we need to counter youtube ads, but I can test

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