Windows 11 integration

Hello everyone,

i will try to be as clear as possible as my english is not the best in the world…

First of all i’m a nightly user of Brave Browser, using Brave since the beginning of the project (before it turned to chromium xD), so my request here is mostly for the dev but i would love to have some feedback of others users on this request.

Yesterday, Windows 11 pre-release came out. Of course i installed it as a Dev channel user. New feature has come out, mostly visual/design TBH but one has caught my attention.
Windows 11 has an option to “blure” the top bar of the window (so adress bar + tabs). It works perfectly with windows explorer and settings for example and add a very pleasant way of using it.
Of course it doesn’t work with non-Microsoft app for now.

So my request is here; do some Dev in Brave have already installed W11 and starting working on it to intergrate new design feature.
I would love to see the address bar and the tab blured except the tab that i am using, it would act like a “floating” tab and could be very nice xD.

Anyway, i have 0 problem with Brave on Windows 11 so far, so this is great at least.


and btw after brave search i want a mail client : please :stuck_out_tongue:

Windows 11 received Properly ads

yes yes it works perfectly, with that new W11 sounds its perfect xD

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Brave Mail would be :fire:

I’ll try to be as clear as possible since my English isn’t the best.

First, I’m a regular user of Brave Browser and have been using it since the beginning (before it switched to Chromium!). My request is mostly for the developers, but I’d love to hear feedback from other users too.

Yesterday, I installed the Windows 11 pre-release as a Dev channel user. Most of the new features are visual/design-related, but one caught my attention. Windows 11 has an option to “blur” the top bar of the window (like the address bar and tabs). It works great with Windows Explorer and Settings, making it very pleasant to use. However, it doesn’t work with non-Microsoft apps yet.

So, my request is: Have any Brave developers installed Windows 11 and started working on integrating these new design features? I would love to see the address bar and tabs blurred, except for the tab I’m using. This could make it look like a “floating” tab, which would be very nice.

Anyway, I haven’t had any problems with Brave on Windows 11 so far, which is great.