Window Based Vertical Tab Collapsing

For those of us who use multiple monitors and vertical tabs (perhaps a small minority of users) I’ve noticed a functionality that I think overall, even despite my setup, is probably a good move for the team. I’ll briefly explain my setup, the current functionality, and then my request.

I currently use 3 monitors. Though regardless, this could be an issue for some even on one monitor. One of my monitors is vertical, meaning the width of my screen is already constricted because its sideways, not to mention extra space taken up by my vertical tabs on the left.

When I collapse the tabs column in one Brave window on my vertical screen, it collapses them on all of my windows across all of my screens. Likewise, when I go to re-extend the tabs column on one of my other windows, it extends them in all of the windows. I am sure theres a reason for this, but I have to imagine any user who uses multiple Brave windows in any particular setup would probably desire this if they were using vertical tabs. The Leo tab on the right side only expands/contracts individually by window, I think the same should be done for each respective brave window with vertical tabs. I hope that makes sense! Regardless, thank you all for the awesome product which I’ve used from the very early days when I was earning BAT from referring people to download it :joy: