UI Bug - desktop - Alt tabbing from a full screen video to another brave window that is not full screen hides Windows Taskbar

Test scenario
On a single display screen, open two separate browser windows, on one of them open a Youtube video and set it to full screen.
Use Alt-Tab to switch from the full screen to the regular browser window.

Expected Result
The Windows Taskbar should re-appear, since the browser window we alt tabbed to isn’t full screen.

Actual Result
The Windows Taskbar gets hidden upon pressing Alt-Tab

Additional info
Brave version:
Version 1.70.126 Chromium: 129.0.6668.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Windows version:
11 Pro version 23h2 OS Build 22631.4317

I hope this is useful, cheers :slight_smile:


Brave Support might want to know: Have you compared that Brave Browser experience with Google’s Chrome browser and/or Microsoft Edge browser?

I am having the same issue. I wonder if the devs are ever going to work on this.

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