I accepted the installation of widevine rather blindly to watch a youtube video, but now, even after uninstalling and reinstalling Brave Browser, the extensions tab on Widevine under Browser Settings says:
Use Widevine digital rights management (DRM) component to view protected streaming video and other content in the browser.”
rather than
Ask when a site wants to install Widevine on your computer.”
For some reason the actual uninstall portion of the toggle was never implemented (I don’t think). What you can do is delete the WidevineCDM folder locally which should do the trick.
If you’re on Windows, it will be in
c:\\users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User data\Widevinecdm
There is no such Widevine file in my User Data folder. Maybe my reinstall did work in getting rid of it? Why do you think the setting is still worded different from what I understand to be the default?
Yes, reinstalling likely did. You can also test by going to Netflix or another site requiring the module and if you don’t have it installed already, you should not be able to watch content and, further, you should be prompted to install it when you land on those sites.