Where Brave themes are stored?

Hi, hi.

Simple enough, I’m not able to locate in which folder Brave themes are stored.

I wanted to try editing one, but after had downloaded and installed it, I’ve realised I don’t know where Brave actually puts its files.



i think appdata, but i can be wrong.

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AppData where?

I mean, searching for AppData on my HDD, I’ve more than one, for different software, so I’d need something more specific. XD

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Open run application and type in it %appdata%, then you are in appdata/roaming go back to appdata and then click bravesoftware then find if there are brave themes.

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Well, firstly thanks, it was rude of me to don’t mention it before!

Then, with your suggestion I’ve located AppData and the Bravesoftware subfolder, but… there’s so much stuff in it and not a folder called “Themes” or “Brave Themes” or something similar… how can I locate the actual themes?

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Have you created additional user profiles in Brave?

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Not really, no new profiles.

What folder should I see?

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AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Extensions

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Oh, okay, I believe I’ve found that one, perfect!

Thanks, looking at the theme url in the address bar I’ve been able to understand which subfolder is the one for the theme, good!


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