quite simple, i get sent to the “Before you continue to youtube” screen and i click agree, then it repeats and sends me back to there AGAIN, i click deny… and it still sends me to the consent page
anybody know how to fix this?
Thanks for the report, looking into a fix. Brave Ad Block Updater - Version: 1.0.7972 or better
in brave://components. You will need to close the browser/restart (to clear the session cookies).
youtube not loading at all, only background. even with all extensions disabled and in private mode.
I have the same. I just updated my Macbook (OS 12.7.6) to the latest Brave version:
Version 1.69.168 Chromium: 128.0.6613.138 (Official Build) (x86_64) and I am unable to use Youtube, it jumps from youtube.com to this URL: https://consent.youtube.com/m?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2F%3Fcbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1%26cbrd%3D1&gl=CH&m=0&pc=yt&cm=3&hl=en-GB&src=1
The URL tries to load, but fails and keeps looping and it never stops, it then crashes Brave after a certain amount of looping.
this is fixed now
I’m afraid it’s not, I still can’t break through the looping consent although the Brave Ad Block Updater is up to date
For me it is not fixed. Latest Ad Block update and still looping.
I had the same problem but things worked again after I followed the instructions in this Reddit post.
Worked for me too, thanks!
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