Wayfair logo in Brave search

I’ve been using Brave Browser and Search for around 2 years now, lately ive noticed a Wayfair logo instead of the Brave Lion logo. Is this from something I did accidentally or a feature change? I have been searching for furniture lately so im unsure if I clicked something but i cannot find any setting that could or would hav changed this.

Brave: 1.47.188 Chromium: 109.0.5414.119

Android 13 build: TP1A.220624.014

Hi @JesseMichael thanks for reporting.

Could you kindly send a screenshot of the issue you are experiencing?
Also could you kindly update to the latest version of Brave and observe if you are still having that issue.

Please note the recent changes to 1.48 before you update. These changes may affect you if you have opted into Brave Rewards.

Well this is embarrassing but I can no longer reproduce the issue. This morning I cold not makt the logo go away and now I cannot get it to appear. However, in the google play store I do have the latest version. If you release the updates yourself, I would much prefer that. The link from your website just opens my google play app however. If I see antoher icon or the wayfair one again I will definitely screenshot it.

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@JesseMichael Keep me posted if anything changes!

It has happened again please look at the logo in the upper left corner…

I’m having the same issue: