Customize widget Search Bar for Brave on android

Hi, I would like to use customize widget search bar for Brave on android, like bar shape, logo, color and shading, like Google app has it too, It would be great if you add this feature.

Thank you. :slight_smile:


Agree! My widget says Search with Google . . . open to confusion! I’d love to see just the Brave logo.


Hi @Mattches, Have you seen this? Let me know what is your opinion


Thanks, but I can’t see a link or picture! Can you please try again, or tell me what I’m missing? Oddly, just noticed that “with Google” has disappeared from the widget . . . And now it’s reappeared. Aaaargh!

Yes, same happened to me.

There must be something wrong with the coding. After a restart, it just shows Search, but after the first search, reverts to Search with Google. If it’s going to be fixed, please replace with the Brave logo!


Anyone reply please?

@AlexP5 @Frogman,
The widget displays Search with _ _ _ _ _ – depending on what your default search engine is. If you change it to Bing, you’ll notice that the widget will appear as Search with Bing. As for the logo, that will likely be a branding fix implemented down the road as its not exactly priority at this time.


Thanks for the response. I’ll contain myself in patience for the Brave logo!

Would definitely like this feature, however I would prefer the ability to show the favicon for the user’s respective search engine choice as opposed to just showing Brave’s icon.

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I really liked the oval shaped search widget with simply the Brave Logo on android 14 (just like Google’s widget, but with Braves logo and without any text). Sadly it has been removed over night and been replaced by more iconic and less customizable Brave widgets in rectangle shapes. I’m looking forward to seeing it again.